Friday, March 15, 2013

David Lynch, Rabbits, and movies in movies

If you like these you should watch inland empire. It's a movie about the making of a remake of a movie informed by a myth about the making of the original movie which was based on an old russian myth, with episodes of these rabbit fellas spliced in throughout it. And if you weren't confused yet, Inland Empire is kind of a remake, or rather a re do (not acknowledged by lynch) of lynch's idea for another movie he made, mulholand drive, except when he made that he was held back a bit by studio and corporate constraints. But it's still awesome and is more conventional in form and structure, and it kind of acts as a key (at least it did for me) to understanding Inland, or at least part of it... So the relation between the movie they're remaking in inland and its original is kind of mirrored by the relationship of Inland Empire itself and Lynch's other movie Mulholland Drive... In summation, Lynch is crazy, and awesome, and you should watch all his movies if you haven't already...

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